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Brief Description (Alt Text):
Screenshot of myAccessibleHome Mockup of Meal Preparation Problem PromptEssential Description (Caption):
This image shows an iPhone screen with a mockup of the meal preparation prompt in the myAccessibleHome application. This is an example of one of the home safety prompts users are presented with.
Detailed Description (Description):
Image of a mockup using the myAccessibleHome app. The image displays a light blue-grey boarder, resembling a smartphone. At the top right corner is the My HESTIA logo. At the top left corner are three thin horizontal lines. Separating the top portion are three curved lines - orange, mint green, and brown. Underneath this is a prompt which says, "I am able to prepare meals without problems" in a bold black font. Underneath is a black drawing of a person cooking at an oven and stove. Below this are three options signified by three light grety circles. The first options is "Yes, second "No", and third "Maybe". At the very bottom in the center is a thin rectangle. Half is orange and the other half is grey.