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Brief Description (Alt Text):
Screenshot of myAccessibleHome Mockup of Meal Preparation problem details promptEssential Description (Caption):
This image shows an iPhone screen with a mockup of the meal preparation problem details prompt in the myHESTIA application. This is an example of a portion of the home safety assessment available through myHESTIA.
Detailed Description (Description):
Image of a mockup using the myAccessibleHome app. The image displays a light blue-grey boarder, resembling a smartphone. At the top right corner is the My HESTIA logo. At the top left corner are three thin horizontal lines. Separating the top portion are three curved lines - orange, mint green, and brown. Underneath this is a prompt which says, "I am able to prepare meals without problems" in a bold black font. Underneath this are three circles with varying responses in a black font. The first response is "Yes", the second "No", and the third "Maybe". A purple filling is marked when an answer is selected. Below this is a prompt "It is a problem because:" in a black font. Below this are 7 square, small, light grey boxes with varying responses to the right of the boxes. Below the last prompt is a light grey rectangle with the words "Type your response" in a light grey font. At the bottom in the center of the page is a green rectangle button with the word "Next" in a white font.