
January 9, 2018

Revival and Homage Productions of Yiddish Theatre

There’s something about the popular entertainment of the 1880s-1930s that draws people to fool around with creative ways of making it contemporary.
October 17, 2017

My Zylbercweig

Zalmen Zylbercweig blazed a path that all subsequent students of Yiddish theatre history follow…
October 9, 2017

Zalmen Zylbercweig, Shnorer-historian of the Yiddish Theatre

When Zalmen Zylbercweig, died in 1972, he was 77, and just about to finish Volume 7 of his Encyclopedia of Yiddish Theatre, which he had been working on for 54 years.
September 11, 2017

Yaschar: My Father’s Life in Yiddish Theatre

Yaschar Aronowicz, My father, participated in Yiddish theatre for three decades, in at least two European cities, Berlin and Paris.
September 29, 2016

A Yiddish Musical That Never Was

Camp Boiberik opened in the 1920s and closed in 1979, and if you will indulge a momentary digression from the topic, allow me to illustrate the importance of this camp for our subject.
August 31, 2016


My first real-life encounter with Fyvush Finkel coincided roughly with my entry into the world of New York Yiddish theatre.