
The auteur director–the great visionary in the mold of a Stanislavsky, Meyerhold, or Reinhardt–did not figure into the early years of the professional Yiddish stage. But it took little time for Yiddish troupes to develop an awareness of those great figures, and for some in those troupes to aspire to, and attain, such levels of artistic authority.

March 15, 2021

Wikidata, Yiddish Theatre Posters, and the World

Der dibek, 1975, Israeli Yiddish entertainment posters, 1930-1981, Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Stanford University.
February 24, 2021

Shtetl Gothic on the Virtual Stage: Rokhl Kafrissen’s Shtumer shabes at the Chutzpah Festival

What would it take for a Yiddish theatre production to rival the fame of Sh. An-ski’s The Dybbuk?
January 28, 2021

Adapting God of Vengeance in Buenos Aires: An Interview with Argentine Director Daniel Teveles

The DYTP interviews Daniel Teveles about his reinterpretaiton Sholem Asch’s canonical drama God of Vengeance.
December 30, 2020

An Interview with Ellen Perecman

DYTP contributing editor Alyssa Quint interviews Ellen Perecman about her new collection of translations, Ten Yiddish Plays in Translation.
May 29, 2020

Between Biznes and Art: Commercial and Independent Companies in the Yiddish Theatre of Buenos Aires (1930-1960)

“If you can find an enthused theatre crowd 6,000 miles from New York, it means that Yiddish theatre still has a future.”
February 13, 2020

Interview with Joshua Horowitz on the Orchestration of Bas-Sheve

In February 2019, Josh Horowitz was sent the manuscript of Henekh Kon’s piano and vocal score of the only known pre-Holocaust Yiddish opera, Bas-Sheve.