
In many respects the Yiddish theatre belonged to its actors. From the early days of the professional Yiddish stage, the most popular actors were treated like gods, and theatre troupes brought more than one playwright to heel. While Yiddish performers often had a reputation for emotive performances, the best of them were considered the equals of their most esteemed colleagues performing in other languages.

November 20, 2016

London – New York, or The Great British Yiddish Theatre Brain Drain

We Brits Have been sending some of our finest actors across the Atlantic for as long as anyone can remember.
September 29, 2016

A Yiddish Musical That Never Was

Camp Boiberik opened in the 1920s and closed in 1979, and if you will indulge a momentary digression from the topic, allow me to illustrate the importance of this camp for our subject.
September 29, 2016

“A day that tortured my body and tormented my soul”: Bertha Kalich’s Kol Nidre in Bucharest

Bertha Kalich (1874-1939) was a great actress on the Yiddish and English-language stage.
August 31, 2016


My first real-life encounter with Fyvush Finkel coincided roughly with my entry into the world of New York Yiddish theatre.
February 19, 2016

Yiddish Theatre in Denmark, 1906-56

In 1912, a Jewish tailor left Imperial Russia for Denmark.
January 19, 2016

A Tribute to Sonia Lizaron

Arnold Zable is an award winning writer, storyteller, educator, and human rights advocate.