
In many respects the Yiddish theatre belonged to its actors. From the early days of the professional Yiddish stage, the most popular actors were treated like gods, and theatre troupes brought more than one playwright to heel. While Yiddish performers often had a reputation for emotive performances, the best of them were considered the equals of their most esteemed colleagues performing in other languages.

November 27, 2017

Perla Rozenblum: A Porteño Life in Yiddish Theatre

Why is it that I love the theatre so much? Because my parents, in Poland, went to the theatre a lot.
September 11, 2017

Yaschar: My Father’s Life in Yiddish Theatre

Yaschar Aronowicz, My father, participated in Yiddish theatre for three decades, in at least two European cities, Berlin and Paris.
July 20, 2017

The Grand Street Theatre: A Modern Playhouse Built for Old-fashioned Shund

“A note of patriotic fervor, mingled with the pride of local achievement marked the opening of the new Grand Theatre, at Chrystie and Grand streets, last night,”
May 15, 2017

The Troïm-Teater and Contemporary Yiddish Theatre in Paris

Yiddish theatre is alive and well in the City of Light.
March 22, 2017

​“I would have run away, but there was only one path for me – onto the stage”: Bertha Kalich at the Romanian National Theatre, Part II

When I finished the performance, I kept asking Spachner and Hirsh, “where did the rotten onions go?”
March 13, 2017

“I would have run away, but there was only one path for me – onto the stage”: Bertha Kalich at the Romanian National Theatre, Part I

The rehearsals at the National Theatre lasted several weeks, and each one took a heavy toll on me.