
In many respects the Yiddish theatre belonged to its actors. From the early days of the professional Yiddish stage, the most popular actors were treated like gods, and theatre troupes brought more than one playwright to heel. While Yiddish performers often had a reputation for emotive performances, the best of them were considered the equals of their most esteemed colleagues performing in other languages.

February 11, 2021

When Corona Came to The Party

What do you do when Coronavirus comes to your birthday party?
November 11, 2020

Ven Moysh iz geforn: Maurice Schwartz on the Yiddish Theatre in Argentina in 1930 (Part I)

In May 1930, Maurice Schwartz – Yiddish actor, director, impresario – went to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
November 11, 2020

Ven Moysh iz geforn: Maurice Schwartz on the Yiddish Theatre in Argentina in 1930 (Part II)

Part II of Maurice Schwartz’s travels to Argentina in 1930.
July 15, 2020

Teaching with the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project

Yiddish in the time of COVID.
April 21, 2020

“S’iz nisht dos vos amol iz geven”: Max Perlman (1909-1985)

Of all the Yiddish entertainers to have visited South Africa after the Holocaust, Max Perlman is virtually the only artist who is still remembered today.
March 11, 2020

Biz 120: The Yiddish Artists and Friends Actors’ Club at 85

85 years of the Yiddish Artists and Friends Actors’ Club…