Elections can sometimes have us feeling anxious and stressed.  Please take time to check in with yourself or a support person and make a plan to keep yourself as healthy as possible during these stressful times.

Here are some common reactions you can expect:


  • Shock/Numbness
  • Anger
  • Fear/Worry
  • Depression/Sadness
  • Guilt
  • Feeling unsafe
  • Loneliness


  • Avoidance
  • Crying
  • Irritability
  • Distractedness
  • Isolation
  • Conflict with those close to you
  • Change in activity level
  • Increased use of alcohol/drugs


  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Appetite change
  • Aches and pains
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle tension
  • Fatigue

Time to Help Manage Election Stress

  1. Get Ready: Anticipate delayed results. Expect some of the common reactions.
  2. Unplug: Stay informed but set limits. Perhaps give yourself a time limit to how much time you’ll allow yourself each day on this. Unplug and replace constant scrolling with a helpful self-care activity like going for a walk or meeting up with friends.
  3. Allow time for introspection. recognize your thoughts and feelings. give yourself permission to feel the way you do.
  4. Be Kind to Yourself. Do things you enjoy, activities that recharge you and relax you each day. Volunteer for an organization that supports your values and interests on or off campus
  5. Practice healthy habits. Get enough rest and eat healthy food. Drink water and try to limit caffeine. Exercise. Take a walk, journal, meditate, watch a funny movie or read something fun.
  6. Connect: Engage with supportive friends, family and allies. Reach out to supportive services, including Student Health and Wellness Centers Counseling Services.
  7. Give Yourself Time to Recover. Remember that your reactions are natural and will decrease in intensity over time.

Additional Resources to Help

  • YOU@UWM is your way-finder to access tips, guidance and resources designed to help keep your academics, well-being and social connections on track. You@UWM is a web-based portal that provides a space to check in with yourself, set goals, and explore UWM resources and services so you can make the most of your college experience. Keyword search for You@UWM election
  • SHAW Counseling ServicesCall (414-229-7429) to schedule an initial appointment with a mental health professional.  The SHAW Let’s Talk program provides non-clinical, daily, informal drop-in discussions where students can meet with a counselor. Sign up for a Let’s Talk Consultation.
  • Mantra Health: Mantra Health expands the availability of teletherapy services for students to include evening and weekend appointments and additional identity-specific counselors. You can schedule an appointment at Mantra Health using your UWM email address to log in.
  • Togetherall: Togetherall is an online peer-to-peer discussion platform for students looking to take the next step on their mental health journey by connecting with other students who might be facing similar issues. Create an account using your UWM email address.
  • Let’s Talk: A program that provides brief, informal, virtual consultations for UWM students with counselors from the Student Health and Wellness Center.

For a comprehensive list of mental health resources, visit: Mental Health Resources – Student Health and Wellness Center (uwm.edu)

Centers for Advocacy and Student Engagement (CASE)

The CASE centers work to build relationships with key stakeholders to ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion efforts are thoroughly embedded in the culture of the organization.

  1. First Generation + Resource Center uwmfirstgwn@uwm.edu414-229-723
  2. LGBTQ+ Resource Centerpeerout@uwm.edu, 414-229-4116
  3. Military and Veterans Resource Centermavrc@uwm.edu, 414-229-7211
  4. Women’s Resource Centerwmncntr@uwm.edu

Multicultural Student Centers (MSCs)

The Multicultural Student Centers provide holistic advising and coaching that complements and supports students’ academic advising. The MSCs also carry out programs and activities that foster a welcoming and inclusive campus community.

  1. American Indian Student Centeraisc-uwm@uwm.edu, 414-229-588
  2. Black Student Cultural Centerpryor@uwm.edu, 414-229-3704
  3. Roberto Hernández Centerrhc@uwm.edu, 414-229-615
  4. Southeast Asian American Student Centerdao@uwm.edu, 414-229-5282

Student Involvement

activities@uwm.edu, 414-22-5780
Student Involvement is your one-stop shop for events, involvement opportunities, and student organizations.

Additional Online Articles/Resources