Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System

Sound Beginnings

This 1 hour module was a collaboration between Wisconsin Sound Beginnings and the WCWPDS Home Visiting Program. In this module you will learn about what it means for a child to have difficulty hear – anatomically, physiologically, and developmentally. I will also cover what you, as Home Visitors, can do to help with the early identification and intervention process for kids who have trouble hearing. Throughout this training are video excerpts from the Sound Beginning Webinar that was taught in early 2021 through the WCWPDS- UW Milwaukee Home Visiting program. This module covers much of the material in that webinar with the addition of more information specific to Home Visitors.

This module will take you approximately 60 minutes to complete. Click the image below to view the training. This module can be viewed on your computer or mobile device. (NOTE: If that version of the module doesn’t work, you can click here to view it.)