7 events found.
Week of Events
National Chocolate Mint Day
National Chocolate Mint Day
Stop by the Career and Internship Center, C142, for a sweet treat and say "Hi" to Michelle!
Pickleball Club
Lunar New Year Celebration: Lantern Festival
Lunar New Year Celebration: Lantern Festival
"Celebrate the YEAR OF THE DRAGON with food, games, and music. Sponsored by the Activities Coordination Team and Lunar New Year Planning Committee"
Ask the Expert! Diversity of Africa
Ask the Expert! Diversity of Africa
Attend this informal discussion led by members of the UWM Waukesha faculty. Sponsored by the Diversity Center Panelists: Professor Joe Otu , Professor Amanuel Teweldemedhin, Professor Mike Pauers, Lecturer Allison Kotowicz
Afro Latino Cultures Information Table
Afro Latino Cultures Information Table
Afro Latino Cultures Information Table 12:00pm, Diversity Center Hallway Celebrate Black History Month with the Organization of Latin Leaders and learn about Afro Latino Cultures.