UWM at Waukesha is pleased to announce our 2022 Distinguished Lecture: Kyle Whyte, PHD, presenting Indigenous Rights, Reconciliation, and Climate Change on Tuesday, April 26 at 7:00pm. This lecture takes place at UWM at Waukesha, 1500 North University Drive in Room N133. Attendance is free and open to everyone. Parking is free after 4pm in all lots.
This year, the lecturer was nominated by our own Associate Professor in Math and Natural Sciences, Suzanne Joneson. When we asked Suzanne about why she nominated Dr. Whyte, she said:
“His work is compelling to disciplines across campus including: Biology, Philosophy, History, Anthropology, Ethics, and American Indian Studies. I think asking a speaker to come who transcends many disciplines and interests is a good fit for the Distinguished Lecturer position. Dr. Whyte’s research as well as his work for the White House’s Environmental Justice Advisory Council are timely and urgent, and help shape our futures while broadening our understanding of the past. Dr. Whyte is a pioneer in joining together the many disciplines his research touches, and an inspiration to those working to find a way forward via team-work in the climate justice world.
I have a personal interest in Dr. Whyte’s work for his writings on environmental justice, his promotion of collaboration between Indigenous peoples and science organizations, and his insights and research into: climate policy and Indigenous peoples, Indigenous food sovereignty, and the role of a colonialism in shaping our understanding of climate policy and how we understand each other. Kyle Whyte is a professor and organizer working at the University of Michigan. His website features general information and links about his research and projects, drafts of his published and forthcoming articles and short essays, teaching and research materials on #NoDAPL and Indigenous climate justice, and places where you can follow updates. Kyle’s work focuses on the problems and possibilities Indigenous peoples face regarding climate change, environmental justice, and food sovereignty.”
Kyle currently serves on the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, the Management Committee of the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition, the Board of Directors of the Pesticide Action Network North America, and the Resilient America Roundtable of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. He has served as an author for the U.S. Global Change Research Program, including on the National Climate Assessment, and for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group II. He is a former member of the Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science in the U.S. Department of Interior and of two environmental justice work groups convened by past state governors of Michigan.
For more information about Kyle Whyte please visit his website at https://kylewhyte.seas.umich.edu/.
Each year UWM at Waukesha presents a lectures and fine arts series featuring faculty experts and professionals who share their knowledge on related topics such as but not limited to, humanities, politics, history and natural sciences. You can find the event listing at the link here, we look forward to your attendance at the event!