Grad Date | Master’s Thesis or Paper Title |
Summer 2023 | The Chat: A Program to Support Black Male Mental Health
The Context and the Commissioner: The Effect of Milwaukee’s Health Commissioner’s Social, Cultural, and Historical Understanding of Milwaukee’s People During the Last Five Pandemics |
Spring 2023 | Black Autonomy as a for of Resistance and a Symbol of Rebellion: A Comparative Study of Milwaukee Bronzeville and Robbins, Illinois 1920-1970 |
Fall 2022 | The Evergreen Challenges of Healing: An Evaluation of Urban Green Space in Harambee |
Summer 2022 | The Development of Do-It-Yourself Skateparks in Contemporary Urban Environments |
Spring 2022 | Neighborhood Library Modernization”: Public Library Expansion in Milwaukee during the 1960s and 1970s
White Resistance to Public School Integration in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Prince Edward County, Virginia |
6/15/2021 | Non-Negotiable: A Case Study of Implementing Antiracist Education in Two Milwaukee Suburban K-12 School Districts |
5/3/2021 | Bottom-Up Understanding of Informal Settlements: Perspectives of Urban Slum Dwellers in Nima Ghana |
4/26/2021 | Milwaukee’s Unequally Gendered Commemorative Street Names (1920-2021) |
5/8/2020 | Locust Street in Riverwest: How do Commercial Stakeholders Perceive Locust Street? |
4/21/2020 | Intersectional Experiences of Violence: Studying the Serial Murder of 16 Men and Boys in Milwaukee, 1987-1991 |
4/21/2020 | Transportation Network Company (TNC) Ridehailing Travel Patterns in Chicago’s Economically Disconnected Areas |
4/24/2020 | Family Separation and Incarceration: An Intersectional Analysis of the Carceral System |
5/11/2020 | A Case Study of Citizen Participatory Planning within the Milwaukee Choice Neighborhood Initiative |
3/30/2020 | Redistributing Resources: Henry Maier, the Wisconsin Alliance of Cities and the Movement to Modify Wisconsin’s State Shared Revenues |
8/26/2019 | How an Organization Originated by Grassroots Organizing Deploys its Experienced Grassroots Volunteers and Career Professional Volunteers: Examination of the Origins of and Volunteering at the Hunger Task Force |
5/7/2019 | Foxconn and Its 4.5 Billion Dollar Incentive Package: An Economic Development Conflict Analysis |
4/29/2019 | Transit-Oriented Development and the Implications for Equitable Development: A Case Study of the Milwaukee Streetcar |
6/11/2018 | Measured Expectations: An Examination of Urban Agriculture Development and Operations in Milwaukee, WI |
6/4/2018 | The invisible Crisis: Framing the Remediation of Milwaukee’s Lead Laterals |
5/1/2018 | Fourth Wave Student Development: Constructing Student Affairs-Driven Spaces That Deliver Knowledge and Tools for Effecting Social Change |
12/1/2017 | Resourcing Communities in a Neo-Liberal, Climate Changed World: A Triple Bottom Line Analysis of Entrepreneural Urban Agriculture in Milwaukee |
12/1/2017 | Revitalizing Vacant Homes and Properties Through Homeownership: A Case Study in Sherman Park |
5/16/2017 | Disability, Privatization, and Space: Mental Healthcare in Milwaukee County in Neoliberal Times |
5/16/2017 | Who Cares? Lived Experiences of Home Care Aides in Milwaukee |
5/1/2017 | The New Jim Crow in the North: Local Perspectives on Mass Incarceration, Wisconsin and Milwaukee |
5/1/2017 | Racial Integration and Institutional Change, 1965 – 1971; A Case Study of UW-Milwaukee’s Human Relations Institute, Center for Afro-American Culture and Spanish Speaking Ourtreach Institute |
12/1/2016 | Perceptions of Class and Race in Hiring for Low Income Jobs |
5/1/2016 | Addressing Environmental Hazards at Day Care Centers Through the Bord of Zoning Appeals Process in the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
5/1/2016 | Get a Lot Less for Less: Evaluation of the $1 Vacant Lot Pilot Program in Milwaukee’s 15th Aldermanic District |
5/1/2016 | Freeway Removal in Milwaukee: Three Case Studies |
5/1/2016 | Grassroots and Community Activism Within Milwaukee’s Black Community: A Response to Central City Renewal and Revitalization Efforts in the Walnut Street Area, 1960s to 1980s |
8/7/2015 | What Does a Successful Immigrant’Refugee Community Engagement Model Look Like and What Does this Mean for Communities with a Growing Karen Population? |
5/16/2015 | Milwaukee’s Ethnic Festivals: Creating Ethnic-American Heritage for Urban Ethnic Tourism |
12/1/2014 | Miller Park: An Economic Development Project |
12/1/2014 | Gentrification Rhetoric in the Digital Age: Portrayals of Gentrification in Chicago's Pilsen Neighborhood |
5/27/2014 | Milwaukee, WI: “The Harvard of Pimp Schools”? |
5/21/2014 | Globalization, Cosmopolitanism, and the New Generations: Growing Up with Global Ties |
5/12/2014 | Wisconsin Works (W-2) Employment Outcomes: An Evaluation of the Effects of Contract Changes in Milwaukee County |
5/1/2014 | The (Rail) Road Not Traveled: The Failure of the KRM Commuter Rail Proposal in Greater Milwaukee, WI |
12/1/2013 | An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Increased Judicial Oversight and Court Ordered Batterer Intervention Programing in Milwaukee County Misdemeanor Domestic Violence Cases: Preliminary Findings |
8/7/2013 | Effect of Urban Fortification on Public Space |
5/1/2013 | New Urbanism as Redevelopment Scheme: New Urbanism's Role in Revitalization of Downtown Milwaukee |
8/1/2012 | Never Stop Working: Examining the Life and Activism of Howard Fuller |
6/1/2012 | Hegemonic Crisis and Urban Unrest: The case if December 2008 in Greece |
5/20/2012 | Wealth-based Service Inequalities and Milwaukee's Business Improvement Districts |
5/20/2012 | All Pull Together: Evaluating Collaboration in Milwaukee's Harambee Great Neighborhood Initiative |
5/20/2012 | Blue Bird, Black Bird: Construction Unions and Identity in the New Economy |
12/1/2011 | Well City Milwaukee: A Qualitative Approach Looking at an Interorganizational Collaboration |
8/1/2011 | Historical and National Connections: Industrial Milwaukee and the Current Subprime Mortgage Crisis |
8/1/2011 | Shifting Gears: Changing Urban Transportation Policy in Milwaukee Despite the Existing Urban Power Structure, 1943-2010 |
5/1/2011 | The Data Center as a Spatial Data Provider to Milwaukee Community Organizations |
12/1/2010 | Green Burial: Insights from Industry Practitioners and Popular Media |
5/1/2010 | An Analysis of Lending Discrimination in Milwaukee: Before and After the Housing Crash |
12/1/2009 | Non-Urgent Pediatric Emergency Department Visits: A Qualitative Analysis of Caregiver and Physician Perspectives |
11/1/2009 | Social Outcomes of Selected Brownfield Redevelopments in the Brewers Hill/Harambee Neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
8/1/2009 | “The Winds of Change” In the Neighborhood: The Economic Impact of Milwaukee Habit for Humanity's Development Strategy |
7/29/2009 | From Marriage to Divorce in the Suburbs: How are Single Mothers Explaining their Life Changes? |
5/1/2009 | Reindustrialization of Brownfield Areas: An Examination of Corridor Level Developments in the Midwest United States |
5/1/2009 | The Creation and Evolution of the New Hope Project |
8/1/2008 | Beyond Bricks and Mortar: An Evolution of the Social Buy-In of Main Street Milwaukee's Grassroots, Community Driven Revitalization Program |
8/1/2008 | Combating the Growth Machine: A Case Study of the Redevelopment of Milwaukee’s Park East Coordinator and the Good Jobs and Livable Neighborhoods Coalition |
5/1/2008 | The Revitalization of Urban Commercial Districts in Milwaukee: Measuring the Impact of Business Improvement Districts |
5/1/2008 | The Practice of Natural Medicine Within The Milwaukee Hmong Community |
4/21/2008 | Conflicts and Challenges in a Collaborative Urban Neighborhood Development Planning Process |
5/1/2007 | A New Community Investment Model: Sherman Park Neighborhood Investment Cooperative |
5/1/2007 | What's Fair? Accessibility and Playing the System: Policy Research on Milwaukee's Disabled Parking Meter Regulations, and Exploring the Philadelphia Model. |
5/1/2007 | The Examination of Video Surveillance: A Case Study of Pineville's Surveillance Camera System |
12/1/2006 | The Ivory Loft: “Creative” Space and Cultural Significance in Amenity-Based Redevelopment Strategies |
5/1/2006 | Milwaukee's Public Housing Puzzle: Applying Urban Regime Theory to Explain Public Housing Failure During the Frank Zeildler Administration, 1948-1960. |
5/1/2006 | The Impacts of Urban Universities on Neighborhood Housing Values |
5/1/2006 | Removing the Roadblocks to Neighborhood Revitalization: A Survey of Milwaukee's Approach to Residential Vacant & Abandoned Properties |
5/1/2006 | The February 2000 U.S. Leather Shutdown & Its Effects on the Employees of Pfister & Vogel and A.L. Gebhardt Tanneries |
12/1/2005 | Alcohol and the Workplace: Working Class Consumption, Problems and Cultural Support for Drinking |
5/1/2005 | 2005 Substance Abuse Prevention Plan: Knocking Out Substance Abuse in our Community |
5/1/2005 | North Meadows the Making of a Suburban Slum in the City of Milwaukee |
12/1/2004 | An Evaluation of the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office Southside Community Prosecution Unit |
8/16/2004 | Condominiums in the City of Milwaukee: An Historical Analysis |
5/20/2004 | Erving Goffman's Sociology of the Body |
12/1/2003 | Maintenance or Transition? Urban History and Bilingual Education in Milwaukee and Waukesha |
12/1/2003 | The Church and Social Justice in South Africa: From Apartheid to Current Issues |
8/1/2003 | A Historical Analysis of Historic Mitchell Street and Goldmann's as the Anchor Store |
5/6/2003 | The Functions of Analogy in Social Scientific Theory Construction: An Examination of the Theories of Herbet Spencer, Emile Durkheim and the Human Ecologists |
5/1/2003 | Athens a Globalizing City? |
1/1/2003 | Problem Housing and Property Information Networks |
5/2/2002 | Summary of a Training Experience: The UWM-South African Capacity Building in Student Development and Student Leadership in Tertiary Education 1994-1996 |
5/1/2002 | The Effects of Changing Demographics on Nonprofit Housing Developers in Milwaukee, 1990-2000 |
12/1/2001 | Culturally Relevant Teaching Practices and Their Potential Impact on Urban Students |
8/1/2001 | A Car Salesman and a White Elephant Brewing up Trouble in Milwaukee They Mythical Promises of Publicly Subsidized Major League Baseball Stadiums and the Reality |
5/1/2001 | The Politics of Affordable Housing in Washington County |
8/12/2000 | From Gang Member to Church Member Breaking the Cycle of Defeat |
8/1/2000 | Residential Development in Downtown Milwaukee: If You Build it, Will They Come? |
8/1/2000 | The Over-Representation of African American Children in Milwaukee County Foster Care System |
5/1/2000 | The Over-Representation of African American Children in Milwaukee County Foster Care System |
5/1/2000 | Immigration from Sub-Saharan Africa to the United States during the 1990's |
12/1/1999 | Addressing Lead Poisoning Issues in Milwaukee's Hmong Community: A Gis Analysis |
5/13/1999 | Analysis of a Collaboration: EPIC |
5/1/1999 | Planning as a Tool for Controlling Growth: Impacts, Challenging & Benefits |
1/5/1999 | Informational Mode of Development and the New Urban Poor |
8/1/1998 | The Community Reinvestment Act: An Examination of Lending Activity in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area, 1996. |
5/1/1998 | Forging Alliances: A Historical and Contemporary Examination of Social Movement Unionism as it Relates to the Milwaukee County Labor Council and Campaign for a Sustainable Milwaukee |
5/1/1997 | Determinants to the Success of Milwaukee’s Enterprise Community Program |
12/1/1996 | The Health Coverage Availability and Affordability Act of 1996 |
12/1/1996 | Comparative Analysis of Prohibition and Mandatory Minimum Penalties for Federal Crack Cocaine Defendants |
8/8/1996 | The Changing Role of Education and it's Role in Welfare |
8/1/1996 | An Analysis of Conservative Assumptions in the Welfare Reform Debate: A Wisconsin Case Study |
5/1/1996 | “Arab-American Women: Old World Mentalities Face New World Realities” |
5/1/1996 | Geographic Information System Program Management and Implementation |
5/1/1996 | The New Urbanism Paradox: Perception and Reality: An Analysis of Planning Initiatives in Portland, Seattle and Toronto |
12/1/1995 | Historic Origins and Contemporary Realties of Racial Disparity in Milwaukee's Mortgage Lending Market: 1930's to Present |
12/1/1995 | A Case Study of the Introduction of a Computerized Information System Into a Health Care Agency |
8/1/1995 | An Analysis of Community Development Corporations and their Networks |
8/1/1995 | Health Care Reform and Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems With a Special Focus on Racine, Wisconsin |
5/2/1995 | The Benefit Alliance: How a “Successful” Group Purchasing Coalition Began and Why |
5/1/1995 | Arson and Poor Neighborhoods: A Lethal Combination |
5/1/1995 | Black Participation in Milwaukee county Circuit Court Races, 1980-1995: An Exploratory Case Study |
12/1/1994 | Tilting at Windmills: The U.S. Taxpayers Party |
8/16/1994 | Who Stays, Who Leaves: Hispanic Women at a Single-Sex College |
5/2/1994 | The Effects of Isolation, Economic Deprivation, and Social Disorganization on the Rates of Expressive and Instrumental Homicide in Smaller Midwestern Central Cities |
12/7/1993 | Reducing the Prevalence of Adolescent Smoking in Wisconsin Through Comprehensive Policy Interventions |
11/14/1993 | Developing Commercial Recycling in Waukesha County, Wisconsin |
5/10/1993 | Mortgage Lending Practices and Community Reinvestment Act Compliance in Milwaukee |
8/1/1992 | The Cultural Specificity of Anglo-American Conceptualizations of Gentrification |
5/1/1992 | The Push-Pull Motor of Mexican Migration to the United States: The Latin Survival and Promulgation of the American Dream |
5/1/1992 | The spatial Distribution of the Hotel/Motel Industry in Milwaukee County: 1960-1990 |
12/1/1991 | Limited Centralization of a Metropolitan Enforcement Group: A Case Study |
1/1/1991 | Community Schools: A Model for Economic Development in the City of Milwaukee |
12/1/1989 | Reaching All Elderly Who Need Assistance |
12/1/1989 | Who Will Bell the Cat?: The Social Control of Medical Error |
5/1/1989 | Older Women, Pensions, Demographics and the Caregiver |
5/1/1989 | The Potential for Extended Specialized Transportation Services in the Milwaukee-Waukesha County Service Environment |
4/20/1988 | A Summary and Analysis of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986; Accompanied by a Description of Duties at the Congressional Office of Gerald D. Kleczka |
2/23/1988 | The State Government and Tax Reeducations to Promote Economic Development and Improve Business Climate |
10/1/1987 | Shortage in Public Housing |
4/27/1987 | “Freestanding Emergency Care Centers- A New Convince” “An Inquiry Into Alzheimer's Disease and Health Policy Implications” “The IMD Explosion-Issues and Impact” |
12/1/1986 | Planning for Economic Development in a Changing World |
12/1/1986 | Development Concepts in Developed and Developing Countries: A Tripartite Synthesis for Strategic Development in Cameroon |
5/1/1986 | The Urbanization and Decentralization Process of Mexico City |
12/6/1982 | Impact of Evaluation of the CR-SDC Weatherization Program |
5/1/1982 | An Analysis of Student Assistance Programs Under the Reagan Administration |
5/1/1982 | A Critical Analysis of Forrester's Urban Model |
11/24/1980 | The Impact of School Desegregation on the Distribution of School Resources |
5/1/1980 | Welfare: A Case Study of the Emerging Need for Specialized Transportation |
5/1/1980 | Evaluating Housing Rehabilitation: An Application to the Sherman Park Plan |
5/1/1980 | Policy Decisions and the Human Services System: An Examination of the Delivery of Social Services |
10/1/1979 | Community Coherence: The Self Governance of Neighborhoods and Communities |
5/1/1979 | Milwaukee's Urban Homesteading Program |
12/1/1978 | The Effect of HMO Structure on Utilization of Hospital Services |
12/1/1978 | Downtowns Have Turned Around |
9/1/1978 | Public Policy Analysis” Reorganization of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Sewerage District Government |
9/1/1978 | Help for the Elderly |
5/19/1978 | A Case Study of the Attempt to Convert University of Wisconsin System Academic Staff Positions to Classified Service “The Great Nutshell Game” A Paradigm in Change Strategy |
5/1/1978 | Cityward Migrants in Alagados |
2/1/1978 | The Decline of Community in Working Class Neighborhoods |
1/1/1978 | Building Alternative Urban Institutions: Prospects for Intentional Communities |
12/1/1977 | The Well-Beaten Path: A Theory of Black Migrating and Clustered Residential Patterns |
12/3/1976 | Involving the Citizen in the Decision Making Process in Milwaukee: A Case Study |
9/1/1976 | Action Line as a Method of Political Participation |
8/1/1976 | A Year With the Tri County Employment and Training Consortium: The Reflections of a Novice Social Planner in a novel Situation |
8/1/1976 | Cluster Analysis of Shorewood |
6/1/1976 | Transportation Investment Model |
4/27/1976 | My Role in Helping One Agency Prepare for Accreditation |
1/1/1976 | A Study of the Factors of Community Development With Emphasis on Leadership, Citizen Participation and Major Federal Legislation Since 1964 |
1/1/1976 | Social Network and Social Exchange Theories and Useable Tools fo the Educational and Investigator: The Identification and Verification of Life Experience Learning's |
12/1/1975 | Advocacy Planning and the Consumer Interest |
12/1/1975 | Brown Deer internship |
12/1/1975 | The Question of Neighborhood Stabilization: The Case of Sherman Park |
8/1/1975 | A Comparative Analysis of the Condominium as a Suitable Housing Form |
7/14/1975 | An Intern's View: The Center for Community Leadership Development and it's Paried New Town Out-Of-Town Efforts |
5/1/1975 | A History of the 1967 Milwaukee Riot and an Analysis of its Possible Causes |
5/1/1975 | The Proposed Use of a Matrix Organization in the Wisconsin Council on Criminal Justice Project at Jewish Vocational Services |
1/6/1975 | Action Project |
1/1/1975 | The Relationship of Teacher Personality Variables to Models of Early Education |
12/1/1974 | Washington County's Foster Care Program Service Delivery Capabilities |
8/1/1974 | An Inquiry Into the Factors Affecting Achievement Test Scores in Black Elementary Schools in Milwaukee |
8/1/1974 | Potentials for Community Development in the Black Ghetto: A Brief Case Study |
7/6/1974 | Wisconsin Legislative and Research Committee: A Case Study |
6/1/1974 | The Union Management Process |
4/1/1974 | Citizen Participation in a Community Action Agency: The Community Relations-Social Development Commission in Milwaukee County |
6/10/1973 | The Dual Labor Market and Manpower Policy |
6/1/1973 | Planning Theory and Social Inequality: An Examination of Powerless and Strategies for Change in Modern Society |
5/1/1973 | The Community Organization Strategies of Jesus |
5/1/1973 | Action Programs and Proposals |
12/1/1972 | The 27th Street People's Free Health Center: A Case Study of a Free Clinic |
11/1/1972 | An Analysis of Commercial Needs of the Midtown Conservation Project and Surrounding Area |
8/1/1972 | The 1970 City of Milwaukee Employee Survey |