The Media Services team in Marketing & Communications uses multiple methods to pitch stories to journalists, including phone calls, personal emails and news releases. We distribute releases to both local and national news outlets.

Who Can Send a News Release

UWM policy is that all news releases from university units and employees must be sent through the Media Services team with two exceptions:

  • The marketing team at the School of Continuing Education may distribute releases for events sponsored by that school.
  • The Shared Marketing Support Services account executive for the Peck School of the Arts may distribute releases for events sponsored by that school.

All releases related to research and other initiatives at those two schools (as well as all other schools and colleges) must be sent through the Media Services team.

How to Request a News Release

Please use our project intake form to request assistance with a news release.

Please note that the Media Services team reserves the right to recommend alternative means of sharing your news if an alternative seems more appropriate.

Promoting Events

Faculty and staff members promoting events are encouraged to enter their event information directly into the following media calendars, as that is more effective than sending a news release: