Provost Johannes Britz reported that the planning for implementation of the new budget model is moving along, and feedback has been obtained from all schools and colleges. The goal is to have it in place for the next academic year. There will be 3-, 6-, and 10-year plans for every school and college, and 16 performance-based funding measures set for each time period in areas of teaching and research, and school and colleges have to make their goals in order to receive their budgeted amount. To expand capacity and enrollment, a community engagement plan is also being put in place that includes MATC, M3 and WCTC (Washington County Technical College).
The Provost reported on the progress of each of the Dean searches; the CGS Dean search will be conducted in spring, and the Lubar and CHS searches are currently underway, as well as searches for the Director of the Library and Director of Central Academic Advising.
UC will be meeting with the Deans of all schools and colleges in November, to discuss post-tenure review, diversity, leadership training, and interface with governance. The new policy of mandatory reporting of employment and HR history for faculty or staff who move to different campuses within UW System was also discussed.
UC member Bettina Arnold reported on the APBC and said that the economic benefits survey will now be referred to governance committee chairs before being rolled out in November.
UC member Kathy Dolan reported on the progress of the CHS Dean search and said there may be some changes to the previously reported timeline, as the Provost said the timeline can be extended.
UC member John Reisel reported that the Lubar School Dean search committee met to set up Zoom interviews with semi-finalists for next week. Reisel will meet with the provost the following week to provide him with the committee’s recommendations. Economic Benefits Committee had a useful review of changes occurring this month.