UC Chair Kathleen Dolan Kathy Dolan reported on May 14 meeting with faculty reps and UW System President Ray Cross; decision by July 10 now moved back to June 15 about fall semester. There was discussion of how supplies will be sourced, from PPE to other material, so that campuses will not be expected to deal with this individually. Campus representatives to the UW System will meet weekly with President Ray Cross. The system is planning to bulk purchase equipment that campuses will need to open in the fall. The timeline for information about the selection of the new System President may be presented in June.
K. Dolan reported on the May 19 meeting of Faculty Representatives with President Cross and three Regents (Karen Walsh, Tracy Klein and Edmund Manydeeds) plus campus affairs representatives to discuss the recently released UW System COVID planning document, especially regarding faculty governance involvement in the process of program array retooling. All reiterated support of shared governance in making decisions regarding program duplication at the comprehensives. There are issues with broadband access and competition from online programs at each of the colleges. Resources would need to be distributed more equally for this to work. No specific actions were articulated.
K. Dolan reported that the Scenario Planning Group discussed campus mapping for implementing social distancing guidelines for Fall 2020. It is estimated that no more than 20% of classes could be offered face-to-face based on classroom space available when classes of 50 students or less are considered in the calculations. The first classes to be face-to-face will be those that are needed for accreditation and those with laboratory or performance components. There was discussion about whether it might be possible to break larger lecture classes into smaller sections. These limitations will have an impact on retention and connections between students. Recommendations are expected by June 1.
Provost Johannes Britz attended and reported on attending an APLU (Association of Public and Land Grant Universities) meeting on Covid-19 preparedness. Winterim 2021 was discussed; there are questions about whether it will be fully online.
Provost Britz reported that Dean Alan Shoho will step down after the Fall semester. The Provost is considering having deans oversee more than one school.
There was a discussion about the risk/benefit calculations of face-to-face classes. The Provost stated that the university is looking at measures to protect people and make the campus as safe as possible.
There were no Members’ Reports.
K. Dolan presented a report under New Business from K. Haag of the Student Allocations Committee written in response to the questions raised at the Senate meeting concerning SAC funding for graduate student travel to conferences. Haag will be asked to report to the Senate in the Fall.
Meetings with the Chancellor and Provost will be scheduled for the summer with the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost.
ASC Chair Leigh Wallace will attend next week’s meeting.