We discussed Physical Plant issues with Greg Adams, Director of Facility Services. We began with issues of HVAC in Bolton Hall. He explained that renovation went through numerous separate projects, both major and small. The timing of some of the renovations adhered to state logic of budgets and groupings, rather than a more holistic scheduling of work, logical from the user’s point of view. The water heating and elevators (in Bolton) have been frustrating to occupants. There had been some staffing problems at the engineering company regarding air duct sizing and velocity which have resulted in noise. The question is, when will this system actually work? It is clear that budgeting through State protocols is extremely complex.
If you have facility problems here is what you need to do:
Call Randy Spaeth 229-4742 or 229-4496 (or email rman@uwm.edu)
or call Greg Adams at 229-6368 (or email adamsg@uwm.edu)
Give room number, brief nature of the problem and your contact information. It is helpful to them if you know when the room is accessible. It is also important to work with your building managers. We also discussed issues of physical plant staffing, moves towards more use of “green” cleaning products and general cleanliness of campus and buildings. It was a very productive session.