We discussed the work of the UW System Tenure Task Force and the events of the Nov 30th meeting, and heard an update by John Riesel from the Faculty Reps meeting. In summary, there are disparities between the tenure policy developed and approved by UW-Madison Faculty Senate for their campus and the tenure principals developed by the BOR. The UW-Madison tenure policy is in accordance the UWM tenure position paper developed by the UWM UC (and is coming to the UWM Senate next week). The Task Force will meet one more time December 23. The Chancellor joined us and we continued to discuss the UWM budget crisis, and what it might take for the funding allocation to UWM to change (see article in JS UWM faculty demand closing gap in funding with UW-Madison). The Chancellor will continue to work on improving UWMs allocation of state budget from UW system.
Kathy Miller-Dillion, ASC Rep joined us and discussed the issue of layoffs vs. non-renewal of academic staff. The goal is more security for long-term academic staff. A priority referral program has been developed with administration. A resolution offering more layoff protection, especially for academic staff without indefinite appointment, has been endorsed by academic staff governance. We also discussed what metrics of scholarly and creative activity should be collected for UWM to illustrate our research and scholarship mission.