April 23, 2019

UC Chair Kris O’Connor reported that the Chancellor’s Extended Cabinet met yesterday – several announcements for partnerships are forthcoming. The keynote speaker for May graduation will be Milwaukee Brewers owner Mark Attanasio. An update on state budget and capital budget was provided. The Lubar Entrepreneurship Center is opening next week. Enrollment for Fall 2019 is steady. University staff elections have been completed.

UC Member Bettina Arnold reported that there was a discussion in APBC discussed that if no budget is passed, there will be a default to last year’s budget. GFC is still trying to continue to determine what happens with TA and RA tuition benefits and hiring of PAs under the new budget model.
UC Member Laura Otto-Salaj reported that the Provost has approved three candidates for on-campus interviews, to be conducted the weeks of May 6th and May 13th.

UC Member Mark Schwartz reported that a revision to FD 2793 establishing the Milwaukee Organization Representing the Faculty Senate (MORFS) will move through the Codification Committee and Rules Committee and will be placed on the Agenda for the next Faculty Senate meeting. UC endorses and supports the development of MORFS.

Academic Staff Senate Chair Kristin Roosevelt updated the UC on differential workload policy discussions. The AS Senate has been working to bring the academic staff of the College of General Studies under AS policy 104, and transition to a more consistent long-term contract for employees working over 50% FTE. Also, the AS workload policy has been presented to all Deans and to the Academic Staff Leadership Council. All schools and colleges should have a workload policy on file by July 1.

Dean Brett Peters, College of Engineering and Applied Science, provided an update on continuing needs for departmental augmentation in Material Science and Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering.

Devi Shastri, reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, attended. She is UWM’s new contact at the Journal Sentinel, and she is completing her first month with the newspaper. She covers higher ed across the state, both public and private colleges and universities. She is responsible for both smaller daily stories and larger “big picture” stories. Her editors are especially interested in research-based stories. Story ideas discussed include the Freshwater Collaborative, what is happening with the state budget and the impact on UW System campuses – including the limbo of the proposed UWM Chemistry building in capital expenditures. Another idea is exploration of the impact of the tuition freeze on UWM and other UW System colleges.

The Student Association Senate has asked for UC support of a resolution of support for open textbook opportunities for courses. The UC has agreed to endorse their proposed resolution, which should be on the agenda for the next Faculty Senate meeting.