COMPUTER POLICY AND GUIDELINES (Student Involvement Network)

Student Involvement Network is an extension of the educational environment at UWM. It is intended to be used for purposes allowed by State and University regulations. Student Involvement is facilitating the connection of the Student Organizations to the campus network and is not responsible for any service interruptions. The campus network availability may change without prior notice.

  1. Only student organization members, faculty/staff advisors and staff are authorized to use the Student Involvement computer network at UWM. You may not permit anyone else to use your computer or account.
  2. All federal and state laws applicable to your computer usage will be enforced on student organization computers. This includes (but is not limited to) violation of copyright laws (illegal software or media), hacking (obtaining or using unauthorized information), forged identity, and other types of malicious activity. Violation of this policy may result in loss of connection.
  3. Computers and equipment purchased by segregated university fees may not be used for academic (classes or other credit producing activities), personal, political, commercial gain, or other purposes not authorized by the University and UW-System policy.
  4. Persons may not use University IT resources to promote or solicit sales for any goods, services, unauthorized charities, or other contributions unless such use conforms to UWM rules and regulations governing the use of University resources or unless such efforts are on behalf of a student organization recognized by the University. Conformation to the rules and regulations for student organizations will be enforced by Student Involvement Network Administration.  Except for research collaborations, no one may use University IT Resources to promote or advance the interests of any for-profit non-University entity, group or organization for commercial purposes unless appropriately authorized.
  5. Violation of University rules governing appropriate use of IT resources may result in loss of access privileges, University disciplinary action, and/or criminal prosecution. The appropriate due process and policies will be followed depending upon whether faculty, academic staff, classified staff or students are alleged to be involved.
  6. Digitally sharing copyrighted materials is illegal and also violates University policy regarding use of the campus network.

Computers and other equipment purchased by segregated university fees for student organizations are university property and are managed by Student Affairs IT Services.  Only authorized university staff members are allowed to make repairs, upgrades or improvements to computers or other university equipment.  Students cannot dispose of, give away, or take equipment off campus.  This includes moving a machine to another campus location.  All technology issues and problems should be brought to the attention of Student Affairs IT Services.

Prohibited Activities

  1. Sharing your personal access accounts with others is prohibited.
  2. Peer-to-peer file sharing is strictly prohibited.
  3. Student organization computers and equipment should not be used for academic credit producing activities.
  4. Students or organizations may not use university resources or equipment, which includes UWM email accounts, for political activity.
  5. Commercial use of University facilities is strictly prohibited at all times.
  6. Attempting to break into any computers or use any other person’s computer or account without their permission is prohibited.
  7. Attempt to forge mail messages, news postings or otherwise represent yourself as someone else is strictly prohibited.
  8. Attempting to circumvent policies or network restrictions by reconfiguring your computer to unauthorized settings is prohibited.
  9. Student organizations may not extend the single network connection provided.
  10. Student organizations may not set up a server of any kind using a port in the Student Organization’s assigned space.

Special Notice

Student Affairs IT Services manages the network using technologies that include active monitoring and port scanning.  All university records, including electronic files and e-mail may be subject to disclosure under the Wisconsin Public Records Law. (See also Copyright, Equipment Policy, Software Policy, and WWW Home Pages)