Social Media as a venue for Innovation, Value Co-creation and Entrepreneurship
Nambisan, P. (2015). Entrepreneurial mindset of the healthcare workforce: Meeting the needs of the emerging healthcare market place. United States Association for Small Business Entrepreneurs (USASBE) conference. (Peer-reviewed – abstract)
Nambisan, P., Nguyen, LB.* (2015). Women Entrepreneurs in Health care: An Exploratory Study. Accepted (but not presented) at the International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ICESB) conference, Singapore, July, 2015. (Peer reviewed – abstract).
Nguyen, L* & Nambisan, P. (2015). Women in mHealth Development: Young females and their impact to future mobile healthcare technology – A public health perspective. American Public Health Association (APHA) 2015 Annual meeting (Health Informatics Information Technology (HIIT) section), Chicago, IL. (Peer reviewed – Proceedings).
Nambisan, S. and P. Nambisan. (January 2014) Engaging Citizens in Co-creation in Public Services,” IBM Center for the Business of Government, Washington D.C. (Note: This research was supported by a $20,000 national competitive research award given by the IBM Center for the Business of Government.)
Nambisan, P. & Nambisan, S. (2014). Opportunities and Challenges for Women Entrepreneurs in Healthcare IT: An Exploratory Study. Accepted (but not presented) at 2014 Diana International Research Conference, Stockholm. (Peer reviewed – abstract).
Nambisan, P. & Nambisan, S. (2009). Models of consumer value co-creation in health care. Health Care Management Review, Vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 344-354. •
Nambisan, P. (2009). Enabling consumer-driven service innovation in health care: The role of online Health Information Technologies (HIT). Annals of Information Systems, vol. 5, pp. 159-177.
Nambisan, P. (2008). Online Health Communities: Implications for Service Innovation in Health Care Organizations, Best paper collection series in the Proceedings of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Beijing, China. (Peer-reviewed – Proceedings).
Ongoing work
– Social Media support for Entrepreneurs: Impact on various entrepreneurial factors
– Women Entrepreneurs in the digital economy: Opportunities in healthcare