University Staff Elections

The Secretary of the University’s office manages elections for the University Staff Senate and all governance committees that include University Staff in their membership.  Preference Forms are sent to all University Staff in the Spring.  From the Spring Preference Form a ballot for Spring elections is developed depending on the needs of the Senate and it’s committees.  The ballot is then sent to all University Staff for final voting.  Election results are tallied by the Secretary of the University’s office and posted on this webpage.  Winners of the University Staff elections are elected to staggered positions on committees based on the needs of the committees.  Appointment letters are sent to newly elected members from the Secretary of the University’s office prior to the start of the fiscal year (July 1).

2024 University Staff Elections Results

If you have questions or need further information please contact: 

Louisa Eastman at the Secretary of the University’s office

*If you would like to see number counts of University Staff Election Results please contact the Secretary of the University’s office at to make arrangements.