Step 2 - Applicant Information
Wisconsin Certified Parent Peer Specialist Certification

* denotes required fields.

A copy of the certificate of successful completion of this training must be included with this application. If you have a digital copy (PDF or image file) of certificate, you may upload it here. Otherwise a copy must be mailed with payment:

By applying for this certification, I agree to abide by the WI Certified Parent Peer Specialist Code of Ethics.

The Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative (WIPSEI) has a directory list of WI Certified Parent Peer Specialist (CPPS) across Wisconsin, and the directory list provide contact information (email address) of CPPS by county. The list is a resource for organizations and peers across Wisconsin to directly contact CPPS in WI about possible opportunities, projects, and/or collaborations. Upon completion of the CPPS exam with a passing grade, you will be added to our WIPSEI directory list.

If you would not like to be on the directory list, please opt out of the directory list by checking the box below.

Exam Location.
All Exams are Online/Remote Due to COVID-19

Please reference the website regarding the exam. All exams are currently online/remote. The exams are not hosted at independent living centers.

Optional Demographic Questions

We ask these optional questions to gather demographics information related to those applying for recertification as CPS and CPPS. You do not have to answer these questions to submit the application. This information will not impact your ability to recertify.

Age Range

Highest Level of Education Completed

What describes your gender? Please check as many as apply.

If you selected "Other" for gender, please specify.

What pronouns do you ask others to use when referring to you?

If you selected "Other" for pronouns, please specify.

How would you describe yourself in terms of race or ethnicity? Please check as many options as apply.

If you selected "Other" for race or ethnicity, please specify.

Are you (or do you identify as) any of the following?

If you selected "Other" to the last question and there is any other aspect(s) of your identity or lived experience that you would like to share, please specify.

By filling out this application and retuning it according to the directions, you will be signing this form and acknowledging that all enclosed statements are true and accurate.

By submitting this form, you are signing and confirming the below:

  • I am paying online with Credit Card/Debit card or mailing a check or money order for $60 out to UW-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education.
  • I have read and agree to the WI Certified Parent Peer Specialist Recertification requirements.
  • I have read and am familiar with WI Certified Parent Peer Specialist Code of Ethics, Core Competencies and Scope of Practice.
  • I have either uploaded a copy of the certificate of successful completion of the required training or I am mailing a copy.