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Annual Laboratory Safety Review Training – In Person

June 5, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 10:15 am

Training is in person

Location: Kenwood IRC room 1140

Date: July 5 2024,

Time: 9-10:15am.

All laboratory personnel are required to take “Annual Laboratory Safety Review Training” annually after takingIntroductory Lab Safety and Chemical Hygiene Plan Training”.

This includes PIs, TAs, RAs, Lab Managers, Lab Volunteers, SURF grant students and High school volunteers who will work and study in Laboratories, studios and shops at UWMilwaukee.

The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) covers and provides guidelines for individuals working in the campus laboratory community. The Campus CHP describes policies, procedures, equipment, personal protective equipment, and work practices that are capable of protecting laboratory personnel from the health hazards in laboratories.

The Principal Investigators, laboratory supervisors, or individual departments must prepare a Laboratory Specific CHP as well as standard operating procedures (SOPs) for Highly Hazardous Chemicals or Equipment used their laboratories. They may choose to customize the Word.doc version to suit their individual needs and more accurately portray the hazards and controls of their laboratories or they can create their own version if it effectively defines the hazards and controls for their laboratory. This document will also serve as a laboratory risk assessment guide for the specific laboratory tasks present.

This training will Review Safety guidance and expectations prepare you to understand the necessary safety practices and to embrace them while working in the labs.  It also offers you an opportunity to seek answers to any safety questions you may have. It will also provide guidance for preparing for laboratory Safety Inspections.

This training will inform you of the CHP elements, proper use of the CHP for safety in the lab, and how compliance is achieved. General lab safety information and procedures will be discussed.

For more information or to request special accommodations, contact: Jennifer Herriges, 414-430-7508 .

Interested parties can sign up using this link.   You must signup at least two hours before the meeting to receive the teams meeting invitation.


June 5, 2024
9:00 am - 10:15 am


Jennifer Herriges


kenwood IRC room 1140
3135 N Maryland Ave
Milwaukee WI, 53211, 53211 United States
+ Google Map