Rachel Perlberg


There are no wrong decisions, only decisions that you make.

Rachel Perlberg is an extrovert, working to build relationships, developing creative solutions and supporting others to believe in their self. With the increasingly over-loaded lives we lead, she believes it’s essential to practice empathy and active listening with teamwork and social collaboration. These attributes ignite her interest in user experience and influence her desire to graduate with a degree in Design and Visual Communication. Her inspirations are a configuration of meeting design experts, researching industry trends that empower reciprocity and motivating others to take interest in their surroundings.

Her post-college plan is to continuously take on projects that push the limits of her skills and define her craft as an overall designer. She aspires to travel places with intention of gathering inspiration, documenting thoughts and creatively collecting a sense of innovative artistry along the way. These experiences lead Rachel through developing her practice and allow her to learn new traits, skills, and indulge in our worldly sophistications.
