Screenshot of AAC-Fact Taxonomy Chart

Screenshot of AAC-Fact Taxonomy Chart
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Brief Description (Alt Text):

Screenshot of AAC-Fact Taxonomy Chart

Essential Description (Caption):

Screenshot of the AAC-FACT Taxonomy which is primarily used as a functional outcome assessment for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). This image shows one of two main domains, Communication Context & Activities, and its subcategories for various areas of function.

Detailed Description (Description):

Screenshot of AAC-FACT taxonomy table. The Y axis has 6 rows with a 7th row that is cut off. At the top is the label "AA-FACT" with a light blue background. Below is two columns, "Question" with a blue background, and "Definition" with a Brown background. All of the cells below definition have a pale yellow background. Below Question, in the third row is "COMMUNICATIONG CONTEXT & ACTIVITIES" with a bright yellow background. Each Cell below has a thin cell of a different color followed by the label of the cell. These descend to the right, with the 4th row beginning in column B, the 5th in C, and so on. The colors go sky blue, olive green, pale green, and light brown.