Essential Description (Caption):
This photo is of a low-vision corded telephone that is situated on top of a table surrounded by other office objects such as a calculator and a notepad. The purpose of this photo is to show an easily accessible phone for people with low vision. The telephone is white with large grey buttons with white numbers on them, providing better contrast for someone to see. There also is a display with large letters and numbers on the phone, so that the user is able to easily identify who has called, if there are messaes, and see the date and time. The purpose of this photo is to represent examples of home modifications for the Senior Home Assessment and Repair Project.
Detailed Description (Description):
Photograph of a white corded telephone with large gray buttons with numbers written on them. This telephone is slightly of centered to the left, and it is situated atop a brown table. To the right is a colorful advertisement catolog. Above the Catelog is a small notepad, and to the left are three small, white rectangular objects which appeared to be electronic devices of some sort.