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Flowchart showing the scoring algorithm used in MED-AUDITDetailed Description (Description):
This graphich displays a flowchart with 8 Blue boxes with black text. There is one box at the top, one at the bottom, and two colums of 3 boxes in the middle. All of these boxes are connected by 3 horizontal lines and one intersecting vertical arrow facing up. The top box contains the label "Overall Device Score for Impairment". The rest of the 7 boxes contain different Ratings divided bt Expert Matrix and Rater with two options under each. To the right of the 3 boxes on the left, there is a +8, +4, and +2 respetively. To the left of the three boxes on the right there is a -8, -4, and -2 respectively. The box at the bottom has a zero just above it to the left of the ascending arrow.