Photo of an iPad with the screen showing various activites of daily living under Activity tab in the HESTIA app

Photo of an iPad with the screen showing various activites of daily living under Activity tab in the HESTIA app
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Brief Description (Alt Text):

Photo of an iPad with the screen showing various activites of daily living under Activity tab in the HESTIA app

Essential Description (Caption):

The photograph shows an ipad displaying an example of the Activity Module for John Doe from the HESTIA app which is intended to be a home evaluation app. The photograph of the ipad displaying the app depicts an example of how the app would look for a user when they want to look at information about their independence levels for Activities of Daily Living tasks.

Detailed Description (Description):

Image shows an iPad screen of the HESTIA app. At the top of the page there are four tabs to select from, "person", "activity", "environment", and "report". The yellow activity tab is opened with a list of activities of daily living assessment options to pick from in black dont