Instructor Information
If you would like an instructor account, please email Instructors need an account in order to download their credit reports at the end of the semester. Instructions for downloading credit reports can be found here.
If you do have an account please review the PDF Document Sona Instructor Manual prior to using the system.
Experimenter Information
Each lab will have a single Principal Investigator account (under a faculty member’s epanther ID) plus Researcher accounts for each lab member. Faculty members can request a Principal Investigator account, and pre-approved lab members may request new Researcher accounts by contacting the administrator
The PDF Document Brief Instructions for Researchers will get you started. More detailed information can be found in the PDF Document Sona Master Documentation.If you would like to use the Qualtrics Survey Tool to create a brief pre-screen that will automatically determine and inform participants of their study eligibility please read this PDF Document Qualtrics Automatic Scoring and Emailing tutorial.
If you are conducting an online survey using Qualtrics it is highly recommended that you follow PDF Document these procedures to automatically award Sona extra credit when participants complete the study.