Rogers Memorial Hospital Eating Disorder Center

The Eating Disorder Center of Rogers Memorial Hospital of Oconomowoc WI, is a residential treatment facility that treats both adolescent and adult male and female patients with eating disorders. The Eating Disorder Center has both a CBT and group DBT track. Patients with co-occurring anxiety disorders are placed into the CBT track. The role of the practicum student is to help the Behavioral Specialist implement a variety of CBT interventions to patients on the CBT track. Practicum students will learn to implement primarily exposure and response prevention for eating disorder symptoms and OCD symptoms. Additionally, practicum students can also learn to implement CBT for social anxiety disorder, CBT for panic disorder, CBT for generalized anxiety disorder, and behavioral activation for depression. Students can also have opportunities to be involved in more consultative roles including interviewing patients to determine what maybe their primary needs while on the CBT track and to make subsequent recommendations to the treatment team. Practicum students can also initiate opportunities to be a co-therapist in daily process/topic group therapy sessions.