Pi Sigma Alpha Informational Meeting September 17
Join one of the best chapters in the nation, the Epsilon Xi Chapter! Their fall informational meeting is Tuesday, September 17 at 5pm in Bolton 637. This is an honor society, but also a great place to meet fellow Political Science enthusiasts and plan great events! They’re seeking officers — great resume builder! Hope to see you there!
Bridging the Divide Comes to UWM!
One of our fantastic POL SCI majors is one of UWM’s Bridging the Divide’s Campus Leaders — Meet Mya Smith who will be, along with Ella Weidl, convening monthly civil conversations as part of the Tommy Thompson Center’s Bridging the Divide program. Their goal is simple: “To learn, to listen, and to bride the divide between each other and our political differences. We replace snark with conversation, tweets with real talk, and scrolls & likes with face-to-face dialogue.” Watch their social (@btd_uwm) and signage around campus for these great conversations and plan to be a part of making our discourse better. POL SCI approves this message!