July 29, 2020

Search Committee for Sergeant Position in the UWM Police Dept
TEAMS Meeting: Call in to +1 414-253-8850; Conference ID: 420 293 165#, 11:00 am
Purpose of Meeting: Discussion of interview questions and any modifications, edits, or additions to them.
Contact: Chris Cigale, ccigale@uwm.edu, (414) 229-3410.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

July 29, 2020

Social Justice Committee
Teams – Virtual, 11:00 am
Purpose of Meeting: To discuss Racial Equity Grant
Contact: Devin Thomas, thomas92@uwm.edu, (414) 299-3169.

July 29, 2020

CGS Developmental Skills Specialist – FYB Math Specialist
https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=a863fcf0-ffc5-4f5c-aa99-8da0f3bf87cc&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%253ameeting_Mjg4MmNiMTAtN2UwNi00OWIwLTk1MmYtNTdlYjJlMTA4YTFl%2540thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%25220bca7ac3-fcb6-4efd-89eb-6de97603cf21%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%25228aee2e29-ec1c-46a7-8a68-7a12f7df1f71%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&suppressPrompt=true, 02:00 pm
Purpose of Meeting: This meeting is being held to review applicants against the screening form and decide who they committee would like to bring in for in-person interviews or phone interviews.
Contact: Amber Marzette, Marzett3@uwm.edu, (414) 251-8451.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

This meeting will reconvene in open session.

July 28, 2020

S&S Committee Executive Director Student Life & Services
TEAMS – Call into 414-253-8850, Conference ID 953 946 664#, 01:30 pm
Purpose of Meeting: Conducting phone interviews.
Contact: Yvette Alicea-Reed, yta@uwm.edu, (414) 229-7218.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

This meeting will reconvene in open session.

July 28, 2020

University Staff Senate
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting +1 414-253-8850   United States, Milwaukee (Toll) Conference ID: 119 853 774#, 10:00 am
Purpose of Meeting: Discuss resolution for UWM Layoff Policy

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
+1 414-253-8850   United States, Milwaukee (Toll)
Conference ID: 119 853 774#
Contact: Louisa Eastman, louisae@uwm.edu, (414) 229-5988.

July 28, 2020

CGS Developmental Skills Specialist – FYB Writing Specialist
https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=87e35b97-a726-421f-9ccb-fbbbcb3cea7b&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%253ameeting_NjFiN2QyMjAtZjdhNy00ZDgxLTg5ZjEtZjI1MzQxMTg0MzU1%2540thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%25220bca7ac3-fcb6-4efd-89eb-6de97603cf21%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%25228aee2e29-ec1c-46a7-8a68-7a12f7df1f71%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&suppressPrompt=true, 09:00 am
Purpose of Meeting: This meeting is being held to review applicants against the screening form and decide who they committee would like to bring in for in-person interviews or phone interviews.
Contact: Amber Marzette, Marzett3@uwm.edu, (414) 251-8451.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

This meeting will reconvene in open session.

July 28, 2020

Network Cable Technician
https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=ecabf7bd-b82e-4397-9c5f-60dbaac13ba0&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%253ameeting_YjUyYmYzYjQtMTRiMC00MzRiLWIyOTktMjVkOTYwNmRhNzRl%2540thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%25220bca7ac3-fcb6-4efd-89eb-6de97603cf21%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%25225b3f71ba-e9a4-40fb-acf1-01e624d43ecd%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&suppressPrompt=true&promptSuccess=true, 10:00 am
Purpose of Meeting: To have a Kickoff meeting with the committee
Contact: Paris Reed, reed2reedinc@gmail.com, (414) 229-3413.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

This meeting will reconvene in open session.

July 27, 2020

Search and Screen Committee-Steamfitter
USRB 138, 01:00 pm
Purpose of Meeting: Discuss interviews and make final hiring decision.
Contact: Lauren Cigale, lncigale@uwm.edu, (414) 229-2802.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

This meeting will reconvene in open session.

July 27, 2020

Mechanical Engineering Department Meeting
TEAM MEEING, 09:00 am
Purpose of Meeting: Fall teaching.
Contact: Deyang Qu, qud@uwm.edu, (414) 229-3716.

This meeting will reconvene in open session.

July 27, 2020

Director of Advocacy & Engagement Search & Screen Committee
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWNlZmQ1OGItMTc1Zi00N2FhLWExNzgtOWNiNmNkMmY3MjZj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220bca7ac3-fcb6-4efd-89eb-6de97603cf21%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223debcf26-acd9-45d1-9dbc-857d12a39c3d%22%7d, 08:45 am
Purpose of Meeting: Phone interview
Contact: Sarah Edmondson, edmondso@uwm.edu, (414) 229-7249.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

This page lists upcoming UWM open meetings. For further information or assistance, please call 414-229-4454.

Submit an open meeting notice (UWM faculty and staff only).

Note: Changes to posted meetings must be submitted via email to John Schumacher.