Adding a News Post

Adding a News Post

  1. On any page, choose “+ New” in the Dashboard control panel. A drop-down menu will appear. Scroll down to “Post.”
  2. The “Add New Post” editor panel will open.
  1. Enter title of post
  2. Enter text
  3. Make sure the option for excerpts is active. (Notice two tabs at the top right of your window under “Howdy,”: Choose “Screen Options.” The tab opens and reveals several checkboxes and radio buttons. Make sure Format, Categories, Tags, Featured Image, and Excerpt are chosen.)
  4. You may also add an image to your post. Do this by locating a small box entitled “Featured Image” near the bottom right side of the page. If the box is closed, open with arrow icon. Click the link: Set featured image. You will be taken to the Media Library where all your uploaded images are kept. Choose/highlight an image. You may change the image title and add alt text. Click on the “Set featured image” button at bottom right side of window.
  5. Choose a category for your post. If it is News, select News. You may have already added types of News categories, such as “Newsletters,” “Faculty in the News,” “Alumni News,” etc. Choose whichever categories apply.
  6. Create an Excerpt. Choose the text you want to appear on the homepage. Keep it short, but significant. If your Events are in Ultimate Posts, make sure a date, time, and location are indicated in the proper fields.
  7. If the News item is very important and you want it to display at the very top of the list on the homepage, choose “Visibility: Public Edit” in the “Publish Section” at the top right of your page. A drop-down will appear. Choose “Stick this post to the front page.” (Remember to “unstick it” at a later date once the news is no longer relevant.)
  8. Publish your news post by clicking the Publish Button. (Wait while WordPress processes your newly added post. Notice the spinning circle within a circle. It will stop once the post has been published.)
  9. Choose “View Post” (Top panel of Dashboard). Also view the post on your homepage.