What it means to have a Library Proxy
Faculty/Staff members at UWM may select one or more individuals to be their Proxy at the UWM Libraries. These individuals may borrow and request materials in the Faculty Member’s name. When an item is checked out by Proxy, it shows up on the Faculty/Staff members record – not the Proxy’s. The Faculty/Staff member is wholly responsible for all materials checked out in their name by a proxy. It will also be the responsibility of the Faculty Member to supply end-dates after which an individual is no longer their Proxy. Requesting that someone become your Proxy and updating their end-date can both be done by filling out a request on this web form.
What it means to be a Proxy for a Faculty/Staff Member
A Faculty/Staff Member at UWM may request that you be allowed to check out or request materials for them at the UWM Libraries. Once the UWM Libraries has processed their request, you may begin borrowing materials for them. In order to check out materials from the general collection for a Faculty Member, please bring the materials to the Main Circulation Desk with your active UWM ID card or special permit and identify who you are Proxy for. Please report lost or stolen IDs immediately to the ID office in the Union, Room 143, and to the Main Circulation Desk of the Libraries.