Unit 8

Quizlet Dialogues

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옮기다 to move (something)
퇴근하다 to get off work (at the end of the day)
경험 experience
면접 interview
면접관 interviewer
부서 department
이미지 image
출근 시간 the time when you go to work by
(the time when you must arrive at work by)
경영학을 전공하다 to major in business management
뭐든지 whatever (anything)
어디든지 wherever (anywhere)
언제든지 anytime (whenever)
잘 모르겠습니다 I’m not sure (I don’t know)

Quizlet Reading and Speaking

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사랑하다 to love
사 입다 to buy and wear
염색하다 to dye
이해하다 To understand
가위 scissors
고등학교 3학년 3rd year of high school
만두 dumpling
옛날 분 old fashioned person
추억 pleasant memory
머리를 자르다 to have one’s hair cut
우산을 들다 to hold an umbrella
잊을 수 없다 to be unforgettable
젊은 사람들 young people
찢어진 청바지 torn blue jeans

Quizlet Listening and Speaking

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단점 weak point (disadvantages; shortcoming)
대학생 university student
승무원 flight attendant
역사 history
외국어 foreign language
자기소개 self introduction
장점 strong point (a merit; a strength; a forte; “strong point”)
성격이 밝다 to have a bright personality (to be cheerful)
면접을 끝내겠습니다 the interview is over (polite speech)
몇 개 국어를 할 줄 아십니까? How many languages do you speak? (formal polite speech)