Unit 6

Quizlet Dialogues

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갖다 주다 to bring (take something to someone)
결석하다 to be absent from class (used for students)
붙이다 to stick on
사용하다 to use (to make use of)
연기하다 to delay (to postpone)
광고 advertisement
그날 That day (that same day)
날짜 date (as in time)
메모지 memo pad
안내 책자 an information guidebook
팩스 fax
프린터 printer
휴게실 lounge (common room)
숙제를 내다 to hand in one’s homework
출장을 가다 to go on a business trip
팩스가 안 되는데요 The fax won’t go through
할 수 없지요 We have no choice (it can’t be helped)

Quizlet Listening and Speaking

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개인 수업 private tutoring
공연 performance
규칙 rule (regulation)
분위기 atmosphere (of a place/person)
선택 choice (option)
스무 시간 twenty hours
연극 play
졸업식 graduation ceremony
수업을 듣다 to take a class
20% 이상 more than 20%
분위기가 자유로워요 the atmosphere is easy going