Chapter 7

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abbracciarsi to embrace (to hug (each other))
addormentarsi to fall asleep
aiutarsi to help each other
alzarsi to stand up (to get up)
annoiarsi to get bored
arrabbiarsi to get angry
baciarsi to kiss (each other)
chiamarsi to be named (call oneself)
conoscersi to meet (to get to know each other)
diplomarsi to graduate (from high school)
divertirsi to have fun
fare bella figura to look good (to make a good impression)
fare il bagno to take a bath (to take a swim)
fare la doccia to take a shower
farsi la barba to shave (men)
farsi regali to give each other gifts
fermare to stop (someone or something)
fermarsi to stop (moving)
incontrarsi to meet up with (each other); to run into (each other)
lamentarsi (di) to complain (about)
lasciarsi to leave each other (to break up)
laurearsi to graduate (from college)
lavarsi to wash (oneself)
lavarsi i capelli to wash one’s hair
lavarsi i denti to brush one’s teeth
lavarsi la faccia to wash one’s face
mettersi to put on (clothes)
mettersi le lenti a contatto to put in contact len
mettersi il rossetto to put on lipstick
portare to wear
rilassarsi to relax
sbagliarsi to make a mistake
sentirsi (bene, male, stanco, contento) to feel (good, bad, tired, happy)
smettere (di + inf.) to stop (doing something)
sposarsi to get married
svegliarsi to wake up
truccarsi to put on make-up
vestirsi to get dressed
tornare (a) to return (to a place)
l’abbigliamento clothing
l’abito dress or suit
il berretto baseball cap
il bottone button
le calze socks (men’s and women’s)
i calzini socks
la camicia shirt
il cappotto coat
la cintura belt
la cravatta tie
la felpa sweatshirt
la giacca jacket
i guanti gloves
l’impermeabile (m.) raincoat
l’infanzia childhood
la maglia sweater
la maglietta t-shirt
i pantaloni pants
il prezzo price
il rapporto relationship
le scarpe (da tennis) (tennis) shoes
la sciarpa scarf
gli stivali boots
la t-shirt t-shirt (English word)
il vestito dress or suit
i vestiti clothes
la vita life
la volta time (occasion)
dolce sweet
tanto so much, so many
troppo too much
vero true
mille a (one) thousand
duemila two thousand
un milione (di) a (one) million
due milioni (di) two million
un miliardo (di) a (one) billio
tre miliardi (di) three billion
ancora still
di tutti i giorni everyday
poco little
regolarmente regularly
velocemente quickl
alta moda high fashion
stilista fashion designer
sfilata fashion show
saldi sale

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