This program accepts a single year of the Jewish calendar and produces on the screen a calendar of that year with a visually equivalent civil calendar opposite it for easy conversion of dates. Enter dates for civil year in the form -70, 70BC, or 70BCE for BCE dates, and +2020, 2020CE, or 2020AD for CE dates. A Jewish year beginning prior to January 1 of that year will be displayed. The year 0 is not meaningful in either calendar.
Alan Corré’s Perpetual Jewish-Civil Calendar
This Perpetual Jewish-Civil Calendar was created by Dr. Alan Corré (1931 – 2017), Emeritus Professor of Hebrew Studies at UWM, who continued to be a vibrant and active scholar well past his retirement. Dr. Corré was a prominent scholar of Hebrew linguistics, Judeo-Arabic language and culture, canonical Jewish texts, and computational linguistics. On his 80th birthday, Dr. Corré and his family established a new scholarship fund with the Stahl Center to support undergraduate students in Jewish Studies.
We are grateful to the team at the Letters & Science Web and Data for making the changes that allow Dr. Corré’s calendar to be useful to a new generation.