The CIE-NRC grant is pleased to announce its first cohort of three CIE-NRC Title VI Study Abroad Scholars, who will each receive $2,000 in funding toward their study abroad programs. The new CIE-NRC Title VI Scholarship program is for UWM students pursuing a study abroad program that includes critical language instruction, such as Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, and Russian.
This month, we would like to spotlight one of our scholarship recipients, Keizan Sato, who is pursuing a minor in Japanese at UWM (though he plans to declare his major upon his return) and a major in computer engineering at UWM. Keizan is currently studying abroad at Seijo University in Setagaya, Tokyo, where he is primarily studying advanced Japanese and taking various classes in Japanese history and cultures, such as folklore and cinema. Now well into his program, he reflects back on his most memorable experience thus far:
Big thanks to Keizan for sharing his story with us!