Call for Directors–Honors College Drama Club

The Honors College Drama Club is now soliciting applications for director of the Honors play in Spring 2019.

The director will have the opportunity to produce a play of his or her choosing, to be performed by an all-Honors cast and receive three Honors credits for his/her work.  The time commitment will be approximately 10 hours per week.

In order to apply for the position, please compose a letter of application in which you:

  1. Detail your relevant qualifications and experience
  2. Provide the name of a professor affiliated with the Honors College who can recommend you. Do not include letters of recommendation.
  3. (optional, but recommended) Explain which play you would choose to produce, and why. The play should not rely on elaborate sets or costuming and will ideally require a cast of 4-7 people.

Send all applications to Jacqueline Stuhmiller, stuhmill@uwm.eduThe deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday, October 28.  Finalists will be interviewed by committee.