Program Dates: June 9 – June 20, 2025
Dive into a hands-on learning adventure focused on the limnology, web based climate and weather models, and biogeochemistry of Lake Michigan! This unique 3-credit course, taught by expert scientists and faculty from UW-Milwaukee and UW-River Falls, uses a problem-solving approach to tackle real-world environmental challenges affecting Lake Michigan, especially coastal resilience in the era of climate change.
What’s Included:
Meals during class time are included. Students needing accommodations who preregister by February 1, 2025, are eligible for double-occupancy dorm rooms. Meals and lodging are covered by the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin.
You’ll need to have completed courses equivalent to UWM’s BIO SCI 150 (Foundations of Biological Science I) and CHEM 102 (General Chemistry).

Class Schedule (subject to change based on weather)
Monday 6/9 9am-5pm, Lab class at SFS
Tuesday 6/10 8am-7pm, Field day on the R/V Neeskay
Wednesday 6/11 9am-5pm, Lab class at SFS
Thursday 6/12 8am-7pm, Field day on the R/V Neeskay
Friday 6/13 9am-5pm, Lab class at SFS
Saturday 6/14 9am-2:30pm, Lab class at SFS
Sunday 6/15 No class, free day!
Monday 6/16 9am-5pm, Lab class at SFS
Tuesday 6/17 8am-7pm, Field day on the R/V Neeskay
Wednesday 6/18 9am-5pm, Lab class at SFS
Thursday 6/19 8am-7pm, Field day on the R/V Neeskay
Friday 6/20 9am-5pm, Lab class at SFS
How to Enroll
This course is open to undergraduate students from any accredited college or university, with a limit of just 10 spots available. Reserve your place by preregistering—students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Dorm rooms are only available for those who preregistered by February 1st.
Enrollment opens on March 24, 2025.
Students who preregistered will have their spot secured.
- UW-Milwaukee students should enroll in FRSHWTR 300 at UW-Milwaukee.
- UW-River Falls students should enroll in GEOL 389 at UW-River Falls.
- Students from other institutions need to complete a University Special Student application for enrollment at UW-Milwaukee. Instructions and the application form are available here. These students will enroll in FRSHWTR 300 at UW-Milwaukee.
Carmen Aguilar-Diaz
Senior Scientist
UWM School of Freshwater Sciences
Russell Cuhel, PhD
Senior Scientist
UWM School of Freshwater Science
Kevin Thaisen, PhD
Assistant Professor of Geology
UWRF Plant and Earth Science

Contact Mallory Kaul, Head of Academic Services at UWM’s School of Freshwater Sciences.