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Freshwater Colloquium: Geogenic Strontium Contamination Resulting from a Complex History of Water-Rock Interaction in Eastern Wisconsin
November 18, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
John Luczaj will present “Geogenic Strontium Contamination Resulting from a Complex History of Water-Rock Interaction in Eastern Wisconsin” as part of the School of Freshwater Sciences Fall colloquium.
Dr. John Luczaj is the program chair for Geoscience and Water Science in the Department of Natural and Applied Sciences at UW-Green Bay and holds the title of Hauxhurst Cofrin Professor of Natural Sciences at UW-Green Bay. John holds a B.S. in Geology from UW-Oshkosh, a M.S. in Geology from the University of Kansas, and a Ph.D. in Geology from Johns Hopkins University. John worked as a senior scientist at an environmental consulting firm in Michigan before joining the faculty at UW-Green Bay in 2005. His research focuses on deep aquifer systems (water quality and quantity), fluid-inclusions in minerals, stable isotopes in groundwater, karst systems, and carbonate diagenesis. He leads regional geologic field trips throughout Wisconsin and Michigan and is coauthor of Earth System History (Historical Geology textbook) with Steven Stanley.
Eastern Wisconsin has exceptionally high concentrations of dissolved Strontium. The highest concentrations of dissolved Sr (up to 60 mg/L) occur in the confined sandstone of eastern Wisconsin, along with selected areas of the Silurian dolostone aquifer. Careful petrography, geochemistry, and whole-rock analysis has shown that the minerals Celestine (SrSO4), and to a lesser extent Strontianite (SrCO3), as the Sr sources in groundwater. Proposed drinking water enforcement standards of 1.5 mg/L would require expensive water management decisions for eastern Wisconsin’s water utilities.
Please join us to hear more on this important topic. Remember to arrive at the GLRF Ballroom a few minutes prior to the seminar to grab a snack!
This presentation is open to students, faculty, staff, alumni and the public.
Fall 2024 Colloquium Series schedule. The Colloquium series creates a platform where students, faculty, and scientists discuss emergent issues related to freshwater science research. Invited speakers present specific topics of their research, as well as policy, commercial, and industrial experiences. Everyone is welcome.