Problems accepting your loans for 2017-2018?

If you’re reading this, you’ve likely gone into your PAWS account and attempted to accept the financial aid offered to you. That’s great!

What’s less than great, is the glitch in our system preventing you from doing so. When we noticed a problem with the loans we offered, we shut down access for you to accept them while we researched the fix. We’re investigating and hope to have it back up and running very soon!

In the meantime, rest assured that you will not lose any of your unaccepted financial aid, and as soon as you have access to accept those loans again, we’ll send you an e-mail letting you know.

We’re so sorry for this inconvenience, but very glad to hear you’re taking time out of your busy summer lives to check in on your financial aid!

We’ll keep you posted!


Financial Aid

**UPDATE!** 6/26/17 Your access to accept has been restored! If you’re still having problems, please contact us so we can see what’s going on.