George Clark

Professor Emeritus


PhD, Florida State University, 1996

Research Interest

Creative Writing (Fiction)

Teaching Interests

Creative Writing
African Literature
Global Anglophone Literature

Recent Publications

Clark, George. The Raw Man Jonathan Cape. 2011.
Clark, George. The Small Bees' Honey: Stories White Pine Press. 1997.

Stories, plays, and poems

The Granta Book of the African Short Story, Apalachee Quarterly, Black Warrior Review, Chelsea, Ecotone, The Georgia Review, Glimmer Train, Massachusetts Review, The O. Henry Prize Stories 2006, The Southern Review, Tin House, Transition Magazine, Zoetrope: All Story, and elsewhere.


O. Henry Prize, 2006
Finalist for the Caine Prize for African Writing, 2003
National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship for Fiction Writing, 2002-3
Finalist for the National Magazine Award for Fiction, 2000
Seven short stories selected for inclusion in "100 Distinguished Stories" in Best American Short Stories anthologies

Work in Progress

Tree of Diamond (novel-in-progress)