
Margaret Mika and Joshua Worsham in Orlando

Director Margaret Mika and Asst. Coordinator Joshua Worsham presented “Hitting the Pedagogical Target: Closer, Faster and Better Online Tutor Training,” the results of their two-year study of online tutor training, at the International Writing Center Association conference in Orlando on… Read More

cream city review Friendlies Reading (UWM vs NMU)

The Midwestern Friendlies is an initiative to build strong community and networks across writers in graduate creative writing programs in the Midwest.

25 Years Later: The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The UWM German program is holding this event to commemorate the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Siwar Masannat Wins 2014 First Book Prize

Siwar Masannat has won the 2014 First Book Prize, selected by Ilya Kaminsky, for her forthcoming Spring 2015 book 50 Water Dreams.