Milwaukee International Teaching Assistant Assessment (MITAA)
- Upcoming Dates
- Information for Department Representatives
- Registering for the MITAA
- Before your MITAA
- What to expect on the day
- Assessment Criteria
Background: The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System established policy 20-17 in December 1991 concerning the selection, training, and evaluation of teaching assistants. Section 1.B states: “Non-native English speakers must be required to demonstrate proficiency in spoken English before they are assigned classroom duties as teaching assistants.”
The University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee International Teaching Assistant Assessment (MITAA) is a requirement for some international teaching assistants who are non-native speakers of English. The MITAA evaluates English language proficiency, cultural competency, and teaching skills for the classroom. The assessment is administered by instructors in the English Language Academy. Please email the English Language Academy (ELA) to determine if you are required to take the MITAA, to schedule a MITAA, and to receive feedback on the MITAA assessment and exit reporting.
Note: Not all prospective International Teaching Assistants must take the MITAA. You do not have to take the assessment if you are a native speaker of English. You do not have to take the assessment if you have a recent (within the last 2 years) standardized test score. The scores listed below are the minimum score to not take the assessment. Students with any score below the minimum are required to take the MITAA:
- 24 or better on the Speaking section of the internet-Based TOEFL (iBT) or
- 7.0 or better on the Speaking section of the IELTS
- 185 or better on the Speaking section of the Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) or the Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)
- 125 or better on the Conversation and Production sections of the Duolingo English Test
The MITAA is conducted by a panel of three evaluators: one department representative and two ELA representatives. The department representative needs to be a content specialist or faculty member who teaches in your department. There is no charge for the MITAA.
You must have a department representative attend your MITAA. You may not take the MITAA exam on your own. You must have permission from your department to register for the MITAA.
Department Representatives
If you are a department representative or contact joining the evaluating panel and would like more information, please contact the English Language Academy at
International Teaching Assistants
To schedule your MITAA, please complete the following steps:
- Contact your department to ask if you are required to take the MITAA.
- Identify your department representative. Make sure the department representative is a content specialist, such as a faculty member who teaches courses. If you do not know a representative in your department, please contact your department directly. Do not contact the English Language Academy for this information.
- Complete the MITAA Registration Form
- Your department representative will receive an email to the Session Sign-up. They will select the time and will inform you of when your session is scheduled.
- Appear for your MITAA on the date and time selected. Please do not be late. If you believe you will be late or if you need to reschedule, please email the English Language Academy 24 hours ahead of time.
If you would like more information about the MITAA, please contact the English Language Academy at
Before your MITAA
Prepare a 3 to 4-minute presentation in your field geared towards a first-year or second-year level class on a topic of your choice. A whiteboard, markers, and eraser or a blackboard and chalk will be provided. We strongly encourage the presenters to use these tools provided. Presenters are not permitted to use the aid of a PowerPoint or handout during their presentation. Presenters are also not permitted to use any electronic devices for the presentation.
What to expect on the MITAA day
The MITAA session consists of 4 total components described below and lasts up to 30 minutes.
- A short introductory conversation (e.g. warmup questions) on personal, academic, or professional topics. These questions are designed as a warmup prior to the test and are not assessed.
- One role play scenario, lasting about 1 minute. These scenarios simulate a conversation with a student during office hours. The scenario will be provided on the day of your exam. These scenarios will help us assess your speaking, listening, conversation, and interaction skills.
- A presentation of approximately 3-4 minutes on a self-selected topic related to the field of study and suitable for first or second year undergraduate students. You will not be able to use any electronic devices for the presentation.
- A question and answer period of about 2-3 minutes following the presentation
Assessment Criteria
There are 5 categories for the assessment. Each category is assessed on a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the best. If the ITA does not meet the criteria to pass, then they will be required to complete English for Academic Purposes (EAP) coursework either prior to OR concurrently with their TA teaching duties, depending on the scores in other categories.
A summary of the requirements to pass and a description of each category are outlined below.
- To Pass with no additional restrictions both scoring benchmarks must be met:
- In all 5 categories, the ITA needs an average of 15 by all raters
- Must achieve a minimum of 3 from each rater in the categories
- Overall language ability
- Pronunciation
- Interaction with committee to pass.
If they do not achieve an average of 15 and/or do not meet the minimum benchmarks in the specified categories, the overall score combined from all 3 raters may determine additional restrictions.
Score Categories
- 45+: No restrictions (no additional coursework needed)
- 35-44: Provisional pass – required to take EAP 435 concurrent with classroom teaching
- 34 or below: Required to take EAP 435 before beginning classroom teaching.
Note: After taking the required EAP coursework, the student must sign up for an exit MITAA to determine whether or not they have demonstrated marked improvement.
Category Breakdown
Overall language ability (a score of 3 in this category is required)
- vocabulary (word choice & complexity)
- grammar
- fluency
Pronunciation (a score of 3 in this category is required)
- Stress and intonation patterns
Interaction with committee (a score of 3 in this category is required)
- Able to understand and interact with the committee as demonstrated by response to presentation follow-up questions and role play scenarios
- Basic listening ability
- Response to and handling of questions
Organization, Development, and Content
- Main ideas clear
- ideas logically organized
- ideas supported with details and examples
- ideas paraphrased, repeated, and reinforced
- cohesiveness
Presentation Delivery
- Good Volume, Rate of Speech, Eye Contact, Use of Visual Aids (non-electronic), Non-verbal communication
- Confidence in material and skills
Upcoming MITAA Dates
The next MITAA dates for both new ITAs and for exit MITAAs are below. Registration for these dates begins April 1st, 2025. Please do not complete this form until this date.
Monday, May 12th, 2025:
- 9:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesday, May 13th, 2025:
- 2:00pm – 4:30pm
*Sessions are in 30 minute intervals
if you have any questions, please contact us at