Full admission with EAP placement hold is for international students admitted to an academic degree program at UWM and still need to complete some required English for Academic Purposes (EAP) coursework. Students are assigned EAP courses based on their TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo scores. The university requires students to take one, two, or three semesters of EAP coursework based on these scores. A student with this status cannot carry more than 16 credits overall. All EAP courses carry credit towards a degree, and you must receive a C or higher in all EAP coursework to pass out of the class.
Students can receive this admission status by meeting English Proficiency requirements. You can read more about proficiency requirements for academic admission for Bachelor’s Degree students and Master’s and PhD students.
Contact Information
If you have submitted a score other than TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo, please contact the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) at isss@uwm.edu. If you wish to set up an appointment with an advisor about your EAP placement hold or EAP courses, please contact the English Language Academy Director and EAP Coordinator, Brooke Haley, at haleyb@uwm.edu.