Discovery and Innovation Grants (DIG) are awarded each year to outstanding research proposals by the UWM Office of Research. This year, four MIDD members were among the selected, which include Sonia Bardy, Karyn Frick, Xiaohua Peng and Ching-Hong Yang.
Prof. Bardy’s research is focused on deciphering chemosensory array formation with dual adaptors and Prof. Frick investigates brain connectivity in episodic memory consolidation and estradiol-facilitated memory enhancement. Prof. Peng is developing novel ROS-activated prodrugs for targeting triple-negative breast cancer cells and Prof. Yang investigates the mode of action of biological control agent T3-07 against fire blight. The Discovery and Innovation Grants are capped at $125K for up to 18 month. We are proud that 4 out of 14 grants were awarded to MIDD members.