Eric Estrada
From doodles to full-fledged characters, 11 years of drawing has allowed Erick to develop his drawing skills and his characters as well. Animation was considered the next step in bringing his characters to life, but he felt that he still needs to learn about design in order to improve further and move forward. Erick has become skilled in the use of Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere and After Effects in his nearly 4 years of college and continues to improve his drawings on the side when given the chance. Design may be a lot of work, but Erick feels that allowing his imagination to run free and create new ideas makes it fun. Sure, some ideas may be bizarre, but they’re the ones the world has yet to see, and the ones that define him the most. Erick believes that one should embrace their inner weird and give the world something new to experience.
Design Team
Jaqueline Schneider:
Engineering consultant
Dr. Andrew Dressel:
Technical advisor
Delfino Estrada:
Consumer consultant
High School & Notable Teachers
Carmen High School of Science and Technology
Tracy Federwitz
ElectriCycles aims to improve the capabilities of cyclists who are beyond their years in energy and physical strength. Through the use of electric-assisted pedaling and adjustable seat height, the rider is able to ease into their ride without exerting much of their energy and produce less stress on parts of their body.
Provide an alternative form of transportation that will allow cyclists to trek through more elements
Give those who ride bikes the chance to do so more often during the year