Client: Uptown Business Improvement District
Location: Racine, WI
Community Design Solutions (CDS) worked with Uptown Business Improvement District to develop design schemes for 3 sites in Uptown Racine along the Washington Avenue Corridor. CDS visited the sites, took site documentation, and measured the interior spaces of each building. CDS produced floorplans, proposed space planning layouts, interior perspectives, and facade renovation elevations for each building.
The primary design goal includes re-activating Uptown Racine by proposing new opportunities of commerce and housing. Redevelopment trends of similar districts focus on social and interactive uses that serve both residents and attract visitors to the area. Each building has a unique layout, which allows for various uses. The suggestions made by CDS are one of many ways to program and fill the occupancy of each building. The facade renovations suggested by CDS adhere to the downtown facade guidelines, as well as preserve and highlight the historical architectural character. Additionally, the interior renovation proposals include preserving the character and use of many of the spaces, while also creating opportunities for alternative businesses and shops to flourish and re-activate the area. Director, Carolyn Esswein